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Donald Trump Announces Fracking

Donald Trump announces presidential bid

Donald Trump announces presidential bid...

2015-07-07 00:41 22 Dailymotion

Business Secretary announces moratorium on fracking

Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom has announced a moratorium on fracking. She said the temporary ban on any further shale gas exploration was for the 'forseeabl...

2019-11-02 01:28 57 Dailymotion

Donald Trump Announces 2020 Presidential Campaign

US President Donald Trump announced his intent to run for a second term by contesting in the 2020 Presidential elections during a massive rally in Orlando on Tu...

2020-10-28 01:04 23 Dailymotion

Donald Trump announces strikes on Syria

President Trump says the United States, the UK and France have "launched precision strikes" on targets associated with the Syrian chemical weapons programme....

2024-03-22 07:44 0 Dailymotion

Donald Trump Announces He Won Georgia

Donald Trump Announces He Won Georgia...

2020-12-05 03:10 8 Dailymotion